Eleverna Hugo Ericsson, Noor Mansourian och Felicia Mellbom står på en upplyst scen tillsammans med läraren Lukas Zayane. I förgrunden syns en publik som tittar på eleverna.

Yrkesgymnasiet Students Delivered Speeches on Human Rights in Front of Crown Princess

During the Raoul Wallenberg Day awards ceremony, a few students from Yrkesgymnasiet Skarpnäck had the honor of delivering speeches on human rights. Crown Princess Victoria was seated in the front row of the audience.

On August 27th, Raoul Wallenberg Day is celebrated to honor the man who saved tens of thousands of Jews from the Holocaust during World War II. On this day, the Raoul Wallenberg Academy holds an annual awards ceremony to recognize individuals who have acted in his spirit.

This year’s ceremony featured Crown Princess Victoria, former leader of the Center Party Annie Lööf, journalist Diamant Salihu, and students from Yrkesgymnasiet Skarpnäck.

Working for Human Rights is Crucial

Three third-year students from Yrkesgymnasiet Skarpnäck—Hugo Ericsson from the Vehicle and Transport Program, and Noor Mansourian and Felicia Mellbom from the Health and Social Care Program—presented their work with the Raoul Wallenberg Academy’s Cube Program. Through this program, students across Sweden learn about human rights by reflecting on and working practically to fill an exhibition cube. At Yrkesgymnasiet Skarpnäck, the students focused on Right 29—the right concerning duties to society.

The students’ speeches highlighted the challenges faced by youth in disadvantaged areas. While the speeches were often infused with humor, the underlying message was clear—that working for human rights is crucial, especially in times when young people are affected by violence and crime.

“Working on human rights is important in this time when young people our age are shot on open streets. But is the solution really a police state, where those who seem suspicious are judged based on skin color, religion, or neighborhood? That would violate our human rights,” they said in their speeches before concluding with:

“We would also like to invite the Crown Princess to our school to see our work with the Cube Program. Thank you very much!”

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