Ett modernt klassrum med en öppen och ljus planlösning. Rummet har stora fönster som släpper in mycket dagsljus och färgglada inslag på väggarna, med en kombination av lila och rosa paneler. Flera bord med gråa och gula stolar är utplacerade i rummet, och en väggmonterad TV syns framför en stor whiteboard.

TBS Jönköping and the Technical High Schools will remain open until June 2026.

The Technical High Schools in Solna, Lund, Uddevalla, and Helsingborg, as well as Affärsgymnasiet (formerly Thoren Business School) in Jönköping, will remain open so that all students currently attending these schools have the opportunity to graduate there.

Admissions to first-year students were halted this summer, so currently, only second- and third-year students are attending the schools.

The five schools together have 358 students, spread across, in some cases, four programs, which means one program might have 1 student while another has 15. Next year, when only second-year students remain, the total number of students at the five schools will be 124, provided that everyone chooses to stay at the schools.

“We want to take responsibility for the students currently attending these schools and offer them the opportunity to complete their education with us,” says Johan Skofteröd, Head of Operations.

The closures are due to declining student enrollment at these schools, with reduced admissions for many years.

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