Edukatus Alliance hållbarhetsarbete är en integrerad del av verksamheten. Vi har tre tydliga målområden, lärande, ansvarsfullt företagande samt miljö/klimat. Lärande fokuserar på FN:s mål nr 4, God utbildning för alla. Det handlar bland annat om att utbildning är en grundläggande mänsklig rättighet och en nyckel till välstånd, hälsa och jämställdhet.
Responsible business means that we should be an equal, inclusive, and developing workplace for both employees and students/participants.
We are constantly working to reduce our climate footprint. However, our most significant contribution in the environmental field is likely educating future responsible citizens with the knowledge of how they, as individuals and as part of society, can create a more sustainable world.
Edukatus Alliance cares
Students Build for the Homeless
When Yrkesgymnasiet in Gävle participated in a charity program, they did it their own way. They combined community engagement with education by building a cabin for the homeless. "We wanted to carry out the project with practical elements, as we believe in less talk, more action," says Principal Linda Swedén.
The 19-year-old Who Wants to Revolutionize the Construction Industry: "An Incredible Head Start"
Janna Naser, recently named Anders Wall Scholar of the Year and Future Female Entrepreneur of 2024, is the entrepreneur who wants to revolutionize the construction industry. In an exclusive interview with her old high school, she talks about her plans, drive, and young entrepreneurship. “Entrepreneurship in school gives an incredible head start,” she says. Janna Naser, recently named Anders Wall Scholar of the Year and Future Female Entrepreneur of 2024, is the entrepreneur who wants to revolutionize the construction industry. In an exclusive interview with her old high school, she talks about her plans, drive, and young entrepreneurship. “Entrepreneurship in school gives an incredible head start,” she says.
Students Provide Haircuts at Nursing Home: "Walking on Clouds"
Hands-on learning in a profession that brightens people's day. Yrkesgymnasiet’s recurring project of giving haircuts to residents at the Täby nursing home is nothing short of a win-win situation.
The UF Company 4Change Aims to Make a Difference for Vulnerable People
What happens to the food that gets thrown away or left over at restaurants in Västerås? Thanks to three driven young people, some of that food is now being served to the city's homeless at the local mission. The UF company 4Change, from Affärsgymnasiet in Västerås, is making a real difference for people in need.
Sustainability Report
Here you will find our latest sustainability report. It was published before the company changed its name to Edukatus Alliance. The next sustainability report will be released in 2024.