Hedda Birch Jensen, årets säljare i Skåne, firar sin bragd – till vänster själv, och till höger tillsammans med sina skolkamrater.

Salesperson of the Year: How to Achieve Success

Hedda Birch Jensen was awarded the title of Salesperson of the Year at the Skåne Championships in the Young Enterprise (Ung Företagsamhet) competition and will compete at the national level this spring. She shares her experience of running a business and her keys to success.

For a year, Hedda Birch Jensen has run the company ReBuy UF along with two colleagues. The company, which sells recycled golf, padel, and tennis balls, has been so successful that Hedda received the Salesperson of the Year award at the Skåne Championships in Young Enterprise. This means she will compete in the national finals at the end of May.

– I’ve dared to believe in myself and our idea. I am incredibly grateful for the award and the opportunity to compete in the nationals, says Hedda.

The idea for the business came when Hedda and her colleagues at ReBuy UF identified a problem with illegal ball collection at various sports facilities.

– We thought we could do the same, but with permission. Additionally, hundreds of balls are thrown away every week, leading to a huge waste.  

Hedda is a second-year student in the Sales and Service Program (försäljnings- och serviceprogrammet) at Affärsgymnasiet in Helsingborg. She has always been curious about entrepreneurship, so choosing Affärsgymnasiet was an obvious decision.  

– The teachers are great, and the school breathes entrepreneurship. It’s present in all subjects. Running a business has given me the chance to explore if entrepreneurship is something for me.

At ReBuy UF, Hedda has served as CEO and CFO, but she has also been heavily involved in sales.  

– It was difficult to get started at first, but once we found a business idea, things moved quickly. It’s a lot of fun staying in touch with customers, handling the finances, and working with social media.

Before the Skåne Championships, the company was nominated in several categories. To increase their chances of winning, Hedda and her colleagues prepared thoroughly.

– The delivery is just as important as what you say, so we were meticulous about creating a strong and clear pitch. Then we practiced a lot, got feedback, and made revisions.

According to Hedda, the key to success is preparation, but also having the confidence to believe in yourself and your idea.

– Fake it until you make it. Speak with confidence and try to keep a personal tone. Trust that your idea is good and that you know it inside and out.  

Hedda has about a year left of high school but is already thinking about the future:

– I want to try working life first. I like marketing and sales, so something in that field would be great. I want to try different jobs and roles.

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