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Yrkesgymnasiet Collaborates with Stadsmissionen – Offering Free Haircuts

Yrkesgymnasiet in Skellefteå has a collaboration with Stadsmissionen, where hairdressing students provide haircuts to visitors at Skellefteå Stadsmission.

– “It’s a win-win situation. The hairdressing students get practical training in real-life scenarios, and our visitors can receive help with haircuts. A visit to the hairdresser is often something people don’t prioritize,” says Magnus Hammega, head and priest at Skellefteå Stadsmission.

The school itself reached out to Hela Människan Skellefteå Stadsmission, and together they discussed what kind of collaboration could be beneficial.

– “For now, we’re focusing on haircuts, where the hairdressing students can practice on real people. But the idea is for all our programs to get involved,” says Sara Lindgren, a hairdressing teacher at Yrkesgymnasiet Skellefteå.

There are also potential plans for construction students to take on smaller projects within the Stadsmissionen network, such as painting or wallpapering. Similarly, automotive students could perform basic car repairs.

– “The payment for these jobs could then go towards supporting our operations at Stadsmissionen,” says Magnus Hammega.

Several haircut appointments are already scheduled for Stadsmissionen, and those interested can sign up on a list. Stadsmissionen also provides transportation for those unable to get to Yrkesgymnasiet on their own.

– “Those who have come in for haircuts are absolutely thrilled with the results, and they’ve mentioned how friendly the students were,” says Magnus Hammega.

– “Yes, the students think it’s a fun project. They enjoy doing something real and also helping someone who might not otherwise prioritize their hair. It feels good to contribute to making someone happy for a while. It’s also great for them to meet different people – old, young, men, women – and hear a bit about their lives and stories,” says Sara Lindgren.

– “It’s important to learn a trade in a workplace setting because there’s so much you can learn just by watching others work, by asking questions, and trying it out yourself. Theory is good and important, but interacting with real clients and working with actual customers is even better,” says Sara Lindgren.

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