En leende och stolt Savanna Kostenius iförd full studentmundering framför gröna buskar dekorerade med gula och blå balkonger under en solig, svensk sommardag.

Savanna is ready to take on her role: “I want to help people with difficulties”

Savanna Kostenius will miss Yrkesgymnasiet but already has a job lined up and is excited to pursue her career dream as a nurse assistant. “I want to help people with difficulties, and I feel ready,” she says.

Savanna Kostenius is one of the talented students at Yrkesgymnasiet Uppsala. After three transformative years in the Health and Social Care Program, she is eager to step into the workforce.

Savanna already has a job secured. She will start working immediately at an LSS residence in Jälla, where she completed her final APL period.

Several valuable apprenticeship experiences

Throughout the different APL periods over the years, she has had the chance to try out several workplaces.

In her first year, she completed her apprenticeship at a nursing home, as part of her nursing training.

In her second year, she spent a full year at the hospital in Enköping.

In her third year, she spent the fall term in the emergency department at Akademiska Hospital, which was very educational. However, when she began her spring term at the LSS residence in Jälla, she quickly felt at home.

– “I love being there. Everyone is friendly and wonderful,” she says.

Savanna will work at the residence throughout the summer, which she looks forward to. At the same time, she will miss the school, the sense of community, and the routines.

– “But that’s part of growing up. I feel ready,” she says.

What she will miss most is the community at school:

– “Everyone in the class was very close, and we always had fun in lessons. That’s made my high school years really great.”

What advice do you have for future students?

– “Never postpone assignments. Listen to the teachers and have fun during the lessons – it makes everything easier, and you build stronger connections with the teachers. If you like practical work, this is the right school for you.”

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