Läraren Elife Ringström, iförd en rödmönstrad blus, står framför en vitgrå vägg och ler rakt mot kameran.

Interview with a teacher: “I feel like I’m making a difference”

Opportunities to make a difference, a drive for learning and to work with people are a a selection of the driving forces that made Elife Ringström become a teacher.

There is no question that she found the right profession. The passion for seeing students develop is one of several reasons why she enjoys it.

“The feeling that comes when a student develops is pure joy. Students who want to learn, who manage to achieve their goals and who get to use the lessons are the whole basis for why the teaching profession is the best. You feel that you are simply making a difference.”

Elife describes herself as a curious and social person. She appreciates working at a smaller school where it is possible to create good relationships with both students and teachers.

“At Yrkesgymnasiet (vocational upper secondary school) there is a family feeling and it is so fun to see the students develop in their future professions. You often hear from students that they really like their teachers because they take the time to get to know the students and show that they care.”

Elife describes precisely why creating good relationships with the students early on is an important part of motivating the students.

“What the students do today, they will reap in the future, so it is important to motivate them with a vision of the future. At the start of school, the students are like Bambi on slippery ice and trying to find a foothold in the professional world, but towards the end of the school year they are secure in their profession.”

Following this development is what drives Elife and she emphasises that students can expect passionate teachers who really want students to develop.

In order to be able to maintain commitment, cohesion within the teaching staff plays a major role.

“Colleagues who make every day fun are invaluable. Many of our sister schools have expressed that they see our cohesion and good relationships with each other.”

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