Fyra infällda gruppbilder på UF-företagen Battery Box UF, Mamatcha UF, Proalg Uf och MYCELIUM UF.

Elite Entrepreneurship: Wins Company of the Year – Takes All Final Spots

The final for the Company of the Year competition in Örebro County has not yet been held, but it is already clear that Affärsgymnasiet is the winner. The school has taken all the finalist spots in the category.

This is part of a series of articles about the work and people behind one of Sweden’s best high schools for entrepreneurship.  

The nominations represent a 100-percent dominance and further proof of the school’s well-planned, hard, and successful work. Moreover, they serve as important inspiration for the entire school.

– Our students are amazing. This really shows the value of aiming high. We always try to remind the students of their potential, and these concrete success stories boost their confidence, says principal Fredrik Berg.

The four winning companies are:  

Battery Box UF – Storage boxes for e-bike batteries
Melissa Al-Saffar, Chloe Bandek, Tania Sadeghi and Noor Halon 

Mamatcha UF – Unique kits for health-promoting Matcha tea
Shokria Essa, Alana Kasem, Leia Eckerwall, Wilma Brenkman and Elvira Valfridsson.

Proalg UF – Protein supplement for food companies, made from eco-friendly algae biomass.
Wilma Ericsson, Alexander Karlsson and Felix Granath 

MYCELIUM UF – Sustainable and toxin-free indoor environments with the help of organic mushroom cultivation.
Richard Martengård och Naomi Ogboru. 

The award ceremony will take place on March 15. Then it will be announced which of these students will go on to the national competition.  

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