Elever på Affärsgymnasiet står med sina plakat efter att 10 UF-företag vunnit priser på årets regionala UF-mässa.

Elite Entrepreneurship: 10 New Awards for Affärsgymnasiet

Affärsgymnasiet Gävle won ten awards at this year's regional UF fair (Young Enterprise). After tough competition, the students took the stage in a range of categories.<br>– It’s a testament to their fantastic work, says principal Joacim Swedén.

This is part of a series of articles about the work and people behind one of Sweden’s best high schools for entrepreneurship.

On March 27th, UF companies from all over Gävleborg County competed. The annual regional fair in Ung Företagsamhet (Young Entrepreneurship) awarded the best students from all schools in the area. The organization Ung Företagsamhet, together with its partners, handed out prizes in various competition categories.

Affärsgymnasiet won a total of ten awards in the different competitions. The students were awarded four first places, four second places, and two third places. They secured first places in the categories of Best Business Plan, Best Booth, Best Young Leader, and Most Environmentally Sustainable.

The winners in the latter category, Två vänner UF, were also awarded a prestigious spot in the national finals, which will take place at the end of May. The school already has a prize from this year’s national competition. The category Best Webshop was decided a few months ago, where Biismart UF took home second place.

– We are extremely proud of our students. It’s a wonderful affirmation of all the fantastic work they have done throughout the year, says principal Joacim Swedén.


Here is the list of Affärsgymnasiet Gävle’s awards:
First Places:

Best Business Plan: Smalltown UF – Siri Persson, Ellen Hederström and Saga Eriksson.
Best Booth: Vin’yl UF – Alice Vestlund.
Best Young Leader: Tilde Isaksson – Metanoia UF.
Most Environmentally Sustainable: Två vänner UF – Ida Valleräng and Alice Erlandsson.

Second Places:

Best Booth: Biismart UF – Moa Larssen, Elsa Westlund and Egil Bergström.
Best Service: Bilflipp UF – Willy Forslund.
Most Socially Sustainable: Metanoia UF – Tilde Isaksson, Laven Ali and Owen Kangleas.
Most Environmentally Sustainable: Biismart UF – Moa Larssen, Elsa Westlund and Egil Bergström.

Third Places:

Best Young Leader: Moa Larssen – Biismart UF.
Best Craft: Malmborgs UF – Sebastian Malmborg

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